Monday, July 30, 2018

Elokenz is turning 1 year old

Elokenz is celebrating its first year as a publicly available tool. We wanted to celebrate this by sharingtwo stories with you:
  • The first one is really analytical and will give you numbers and all the fancy stuff people like to brag about. If you like success stories, this is the part you will want to read about us 
  • The second part is more genuine. It will take you through the ups and downs we have been facing, with all the dilemmas we encountered. If you are an entrepreneur and ever experienced the imposteur syndrome, this is the part you will want to read 


Elokenz is celebrating its first year. Last October we released Repost, and we are now serving 1500 users worldwide, generating thousands daily clicks to their content and our growth during the last semester has been incredible.
Our free plan allows each user to save dozen of hours every week… and we are really proud of that. One user even told me she managed to save more time to take care of her baby 🍼 thanks to Elokenz .
Well, if that’s not convincing you to try us, read on πŸ˜ƒ.

Part 1: Elokenz in numbers

If you have never heard about Elokenz Repost before, head to our product homepage to get a glimpse. It will help you to understand our numbers.
Click the picture to see it in full size :

Over the last twelve months:

We saved 310 000 articles in our database. Most of them are not used, and have been imported automatically via RSS.
Over 9500 Reposts have been configured in the app, and users created 20 400 variations to share their articles.
We have a total of 995 social accounts connected, and so far, Elokenz posted 28 400 times on Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.
Elokenz generated over 885 000 clicks to your content! That’s so awesome πŸ’₯
Here is where the traffic occurred:
  • Facebook: 83%
  • Twitter: 13%
  • LinkedIn: 4%
Daily we generate 2425 clicks to our users’ content.

Worldwide time-saving

Since day 1, Elokenz has been an international tool. Today it is used in 85 countries (according to Wikipedia, there are 195 countries in the World).
Here is the top-5 countries using Elokenz (in terms of users):
  •  France (38%)
  •  USA (20%)
  •  Italy (7%)
  •  UK (4%)
  •  Germany (1%)
  •  … rest of the world (30%)
In average, active users connect once every two weeks. They mostly add new articles and check their stats. When they come, they spend on average 10 minutes per session…  It’s less than the time I usually spend daily on Twitter or Facebook. So much time saved⏳.

2017 Record

A few Elokenz users received over 50,000 clicks, but our record-woman has only been a member since last March. She generated 135 000 clicks in total, which averages to 19,285 clicks per months thanks to Repost.
Two things to explain that huge number. First she has an active Facebook page, with 4,000 fans. Each of her posts receives more than 20 comments in average, so her Facebook reach is higher than usual. Second, as Repost is promoting traffic-generating articles, it adapted pretty quickly to her active audience.
So, congrats to you Katarina πŸ‘

How we got there

As I told you earlier, a more detailed story is available in part 2. But here are a few numbers about how we got where we are now.
Sixteen members blogged about their Elokenz experience. This constantly drives a big chunk of traffic.
Our first acquisition channel so far has been BetaList. It generated 165 signups, and most of them are still active users.
We got our first revenue 15 days after we opened our beta to the public. This has been pretty exciting for us πŸ‘ … but the real story is that this first user unsubscribed after one month πŸ‘Ž.  We were so depressed when this happened. But there was no reason to be. Until now, this user has been the only one to unsubscribe from a Premium plan. Who knows, we might be lucky  … πŸ€
Here is a quick breakdown of our acquisition channels:
  • Referral (45%)
  • Direct (41%)
  • Social (9%)
  • Search (5%)
So far we have been using paid marketing, but this is going to change in the coming weeks.

What they say about Elokenz

To prepare this article, we asked our users if they wanted to say something about us. We couldn’t publish all the answers, but we picked a few ones.
You can get this amazing chance to get so many Elokenz discount  on Clicktodiscount. 

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