Monday, July 30, 2018

Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry vs. Real-time Resolution

People want immediate resolution. And Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry (VMPI) gives merchants the ability to prevent disputes from becoming, well, disputes. We recognize this desire among SMBs and Enterprises alike, and that is why our App offers Real-time Resolution.
Like Visa, we want internal teams to stop chargebacks before they become disputes since that is the key to improve the overall health of their business. But with two (very) similar objectives, some people reading this post may be thinking…what’s the difference?
What is the difference between VMPI and Real-time Res? We will answer this question by comparing both of its features, benefits and where there is some commonalities in-between. Let us first give an overview of both subjects.

Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry

VMPI is a plug-in tool that allows merchants to have a system-to-system interface with issuers who are reviewing a cardholder’s claim. This interface is operated and moderated by Visa’s automated dispute platform, Visa Resolve Online (VROL).
Basically, issuers will request transaction details from merchants through VROL, and VMPI will automatically pull and provide said details to the issuer. The cardholder’s claim is deemed invalid if the details verify that a valid transaction took place. That not only prevent a dispute from being filed, but it also prevents a chargeback altogether.
One Phase in Visa’s Dispute Process
Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry is one piece of the Visa Claims Resolution initiative. In fact, VMPI is one of two pieces within the first phase of Visa’s dispute process, which is called ‘Pre-Dispute.’ While VMPI relies on pulled data via API to prevent disputes, Associated Transactions enables VROL to clarify what action is associated to the disputed transaction. There are three actions that merchants can take in order to prevent a (potential) dispute. They can initiate the following actions with this feature:

  • Issue Credit
  • Transaction Reversal
  • Adjustment
Issuers are then asked by VROL to verify if any of the actions above took place. If so, the dispute will not be filed as a dispute, and it will not proceed further in Visa’s dispute process.
Keep in mind that Associated Transactions allow merchants to keep track of what action they plan to take in order to resolve the dispute. Merchants still have to initiate the action in order for the issuer to verify that resolution has taken place.

The (Slight) Down Side to VMPI

Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry brings a tremendous benefit. There is no doubt about that. It brings opportunity to resolve cardholders’ claims in close-to-real-time. That being said, Visa requires merchants to put their tech to the test…for integration.
These tests involve the merchants’ development teams, or self-taught coders, to create test projects and observe how the company’s API capabilities hold up in the sandbox. Once merchants have successfully tested their capabilities, that is when they can officially request their test projects to be moved from the sandbox to the production environment.
Why are merchants being tested? It is because Visa wants VMPI to be the preventer of invalid disputes. And the fastest (and most efficient) way to do that is to provide all the transaction details upfront, so that no time or resources are wasted on these disputes.
The Alternative to VMPI?
It is optional to integrate with VMPI, but that excludes you from its benefit. You are free to manually aggregate the transaction details needed to fulfill inquiries. The problem is that you will need to have the transaction details aggregated, formatted and ready to be sent in order for VROL to prevent disputes from being filed.
That will require merchants to have highly proficient spreadsheet skills and a robust template on standby. Keep in mind that each dispute demands different compelling evidence. It will all depend on the reason code tied to the dispute. You will need to obtain an eBook of some kind that informs you on which evidence is requested by which reason code.
You will also need to have different reason templates that adhere to the card network and issuing banks’ guidelines. Otherwise, your response may not even be accepted

Real-time Resolution
Real-time Res is a benefit our clients earn after embracing automated dispute management. It is not the result from a service-based or a third-party facilitator. Instead, it is the result of a SaaS platform that improves an internal team’s dispute workflow.
The process in Real-time Resolution is similar to Visa Merchant Purchase Inquiry. The visual below gives a decent overview of Real-time Res in action.
  1. Cardholder contacts their card issuer and is connected to the Issuing Bank’s Dispute Analyst.
  2. The Dispute Analyst conducts a VROL-Transaction Inquiry.
  3. VROL recognizes the merchant as a Chargeback client and generates a Real-time Resolution Inquiry.
  4. The Chargeback App renders a response* containing customer, order, product and related detail within seconds.
  5. Response detail is provided to the cardholder by the Dispute 
If you want to get these amazing benefits with good price, please check out Chargeback Coupons on  Clicktodiscount . 

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