Sunday, August 5, 2018

Our 10 Best Performing Blog Posts From 2017

As we approach the end of 2017 (too quickly I might add), I’m finding myself looking back at the year and admiring the progress we made at Promoter over the past 12 months.
In addition to expanding our team, moving into a new office and adding 100’s of amazing new clients, we also put out a fair amount of new content.
We covered topics that have ranged from our mistakes in marketing to the wild success our customers are seeing from their NPS efforts.
If you’ve missed our emails or are someone that recently signed up, worry not, we’ve got you covered. Here are the top 10 most popular articles we shared in 2017:

The 45 Tools We Use to Run

Did you know that the average company uses 37 different tools to run their business? And larger organizations use an average of 90!
We use 45 tools to run Promoter. We share each of them in this post and even let you in on our favorites.

How to Calculate (And Understand) Your Net Promoter Score

Have you ever wondered why passives aren’t included in the Net Promoter equation? It’s ok if you don’t know because it’s rarely discussed.
While this post covers a pretty basic NPS topic — the score, it’s a great primer for those just getting started or good refresher those experts out there.  

The Important Difference Between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty

The difference between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is as significant as the unconditional love you receive from a dog versus a cat.
We see companies focusing on the wrong one ALL the time.
To get this right, you need to understand the difference between the two. Read this post.

Uber Has a Major Customer Relationship Problem

In spite of the many controversies that Uber has faced in 2017, they still have a ton of customers that transact with them on a regular basis.
BUT … customer relationships are so much greater than just the transaction that occurs between the customer and the company.  
Uber has a major relationship problem with their customers and this post explains why.

Stranger NPS Things: Customer Success Mistakes from the Upside Down

We’re all big fans of Stranger Things at Promoter, so of course we found a way to incorporate our love for series into a post.
However, you don’t need to be a Stranger Things fan to appreciate the two important NPS mistakes we cover in this post.

7 Alternative Ways to Use NPS

Most people don’t consider the many applications beyond customer intelligence that NPS can be used to measure.
The truth is that NPS can be applied in many different ways, from measuring blog readership to tracking personal performance.

How LiveChat Used Customer Loyalty to Grow to Almost 19k Customers

It isn’t every day that you come across a company that is growing like a weed without spending any money on outbound sales or marketing like client, LiveChat.
In addition to SEO, branding and content, Net Promoter is one of the cornerstones of LiveChat’s marketing strategy which has led them to over 19,000 clients and counting, with nearly 40% of that revenue coming directly from customer referrals alone.
This post tells you how.

Why Marketing Campaigns Fail

During the Presidential election in 2016, we tested the limits of NPS with something we called, Net Presidential Score.
Our general idea was to create an alternative polling method by using Net Promoter to measure the voter’s sentiment of each Presidential candidate. The OTHER idea was to create a viral marketing campaign for Promoter.
The experiment was a success in terms of voting and traffic, but in terms of marketing success, it was a big fat dud. This behind-the-scenes article tells you why.

How to Clone Your Best Customers with Attribute Analysis

What if I told you that you could clone your best customers?
The ones that have been the most profitable, loved your product the most and referred more new business to you than anyone else.  
That would be amazing, right?
Well, that’s exactly what this post tells you how to do.  

The Critical Importance of Reminder Surveys

You may assume that if a customer doesn’t respond to your NPS survey, it’s because they’re not interested in providing feedback.
In some cases, that definitely can be true. But, in many cases, it’s because they either missed the email or were too busy to respond at the time and simply forgot.
This post, supported by data from over 25 million surveys says what you should do. You don’t want to miss it.
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