Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The 3 Biggest Challenges of Running Social Media Campaigns (And How to Solve Them with GAIN)

Running a social media marketing campaign is no easy feat. With multiple social networks to manage and the number of brand accounts surging on all of them, simply posting content is no longer enough to stand out. As a marketer, you must think strategically when designing and creating content in order to connect with your audience, drive long-term engagement, and keep your clients happy.
Luckily, GAIN is here to help out you and your team. Here are three of the most common setbacks marketers face with their social media campaigns, and how GAIN can help teams overcome them.

1. Limited Time and Resources

Running social media campaigns for multiple clients can be time-consuming and require a lot of manpower. We understand that you don’t always have all the time in the world or a large team to help you. That’s where automating some of your tasks can help.
74% of marketers claim that the biggest benefit of automation is saving time. When marketers automate their social media posts and ads, it’s possible to save more than 6 hours per week.
It can be difficult to publish content that is creative and engaging on a continuous basis. Each time you create content from scratch, it demands a significant amount of time and effort to write, edit, create visuals/media, collect approvals, and schedule it. For smaller teams, content creation can take up a lot of time and leave little for other social activities, such as engaging with your audience.
Using GAIN frees up time for your team to spend on strategy, providing your clients with an edge over the competition. For instance, with GAIN’s Smart Recycle™, your team can recycle your best-performing content automatically
Sharing the same content on social media more than once can actually triple your engagement.
Simply select posts on your content calendar, modify any text or graphics if needed, and then reschedule the content for a later date. Your team can cut down on the hours required to create content from scratch significantly. Reuse your best posts, photos, and videos and you will not only save time but also increase engagement!

2. Gathering Content Approvals

Gathering content approvals from everyone can be time-consuming and stressful. Emailing team members and clients back and forth, and leaving comments in multiple documents in order to collect feedback, can also cause headaches. Fortunately, GAIN has the remedy.
 GAIN’s content approval templates make it easy to set up a workflow and collect approvals from your team and your clients without resorting to unnecessary emails or calls.
With GAIN, you can set up a customized approval template that has a clear workflow, tracking who needs to review content and when. GAIN even maintains a detailed history of all changes and feedback on your content, eliminating the painstaking task of remembering and organizing revisions.

3. Avoiding Social Media Blunders

A simple typo can be severely damaging for any brand. Posting a tweet at an inappropriate time, or having your social accounts hacked, can be even more disastrous. GAIN can help you avoid these unfortunate social media blunders.
 With GAIN, you can keep your accounts secure and make sure all content goes through multiple rounds of approval. Your team can double check all posts for typos or grammatical issues before they are published. You can also give certain team members, outside collaborators, and interns different levels of access to your social accounts so that they cannot publish anything without the right level of access or your approval.
GAIN is helping marketing teams around the world remove the time-consuming steps involved in creating a successful social media campaign, and increase productivity along the way.
Our team and client friendly solution will help you collaborate efficiently and avoid unnecessary back-and-forth and mistakes. If your team is ready to take the stress out of your next social media marketing campaign, then try GAIN today.
If you wanna get all of amazing benefits on Gain app with good price, please check out Gain discount on Clicktodiscount now !

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